Please view the links below.
If you buy a pet from a pet store, you are likely buying from a 'mill'. 'Papers' mean nothing.
Please adopt from a rescue or non-profit organization.

Mission: Population control, and promoting proper, responsible care by adopting animals into good homes and forging the cost of spaying, neutering and annual vaccinations for those on low or fixed income, and for strays and managed colonies.
CONTACT - Email Barbara at Please use the 'subject' section of the email, or it may be blocked. You can also reach us on Facebook if you have questions regarding anything on this website.
FREE spaying services for female cats, and neutering services for male cats if we have the extra funds - you must receive some type of government assistance. We provide for the cost of spaying, neutering, and vaccinations (rabies/dystemper). No other services.
LOW COST - If you are not on any government supplement or assistance, we provide for $35 toward the cost of spaying cats/kittens, and $18 toward the cost of neutering cats/kittens. No other services.
DOGS - For female dogs, send us proof of income, your name, address, phone number, and number of dogs. (We don't neuter dogs.)
If you have any questions, please email Barbara at: